I am-Laura Parks Bosworth
I know-our heavenly father loves us
I want-a new car(Troy won't let me
until the kids get older and stop trashing it)
I have-the 5 cutest kids ever
I wish-I could lose 30lbs without working out
I hate-mopping the floors
I miss-going out on dates with my husband(its
hard to find a sitter for 5 kids)
I fear-really bad weather(tornados, hurricanes)
I feel-very excited
I hear-my kids playing a game
I smell-the gum I am chewing
I crave-chocolate chip cookies(my moms)
I search-for a new home
I wonder-who my children's teachers are for school
I regret-not loosing weight after each child
I love- my wonderful and supportive husband
I care-for my family and friends
I always-have cereal for breakfast
I am not-hard headed
I believe- in the gospel
I dance-when I hear music
I sing-to the radio in the car
I don't always-make the bed
I fight-over little things
I write-on my blog
I lose-Mason's pacifires
I win-playing slug bug with Troy(hee hee!)
I never- make dinners(Troy cooks)
I listen-to my sisters when they need to talk
I am scared-for my daughters to grow up!
I need-a pedicure(I have never had one)
I am happy-that were moving to Texas
I tag-all of you