Saturday, October 11, 2008

After experiencing bangs with Kaden I said I would
never put them on any of my girls. Unfortunatly I couldnt
keep away from them. So here is the finishing touch
of Tatum's new hair cut. I think it is growing on me
though and I am having fun doing something different.
It's actually kind of easier to do because it is styled.

Thanks for all your suggestions.


Becca said...

I like it, it is so cute. It will be fun to see her all dressed up at the wedding.

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute and different. I think she looks better with bangs. I miss the little sumo girl!

Anny said...

So cute! I think I might have to give Brooklyn bangs. Blake keeps snipping a little at a time. I'm excited to to see her and all the kids at the wedding. See you this week.

kimberly said...

you like the bangs now but eventually you wont. she a cutie though. 1 more day.


Her haircut is just darling! She is a beautiful girl and will be a wonderful and sharp person when she grows up.